
About my programs

At the core of my work has always been extended periods of time alone in nature. Both in the sense that nature is at the source of my being, knowing, worldview and ideas and also that taking others into intentional time in nature is also where these programs started taking shape. 

Over time I have allowed the design of these programs to emerge in response what I was learning from nature, what my previous experience in ‘normal world’ organisations had taught me, and the sensemaking I was doing from observing current day challenges. 

At some point I realised that we cannot reach true sustainability until we are living in accordance with Natural Law, the principles which keep us alignment with the reality of living on Earth, and that this required more than just an intellectual understanding of interconnectedness, but also a felt sense of relationship and cultivation of our inner landscape so that we are seeing, perceiving and acting differently.

States & Stages

A capacity building program utilising the training ground that humans were made for : Nature

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Natural Impact

Embodied sustainability via becoming the regenerative patterns of Nature

Partnering with Nature

Training to develop an alive, working relationship with Nature

Wild Leadership Quests

Nature immersion and challenge, rite of passage style, to develop the leaders we need for the Anthropocene

Why it is needed now, in the Anthropocene 

“When a system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order.” 

-llya Prigogine

With humanity now exceeding most planetary boundaries, we need regeneration, not just a ‘do less worse’ paradigm. Fortunately, regeneration is a characteristic of all living systems. Unfortunately, the human mind is both our greatest gift and our worst enemy, able to cast a long shadow over our relationship with ourselves, and the rest of life on which we depend. 

The systems we create emerge from the worldviews we hold. The worldviews that see us as separate and above the rest of life can only create systems that fail to maintain the integrity of the living systems of which we are apart. Organisations can no longer ignore this reality if they truly wish to contribute to life on earth. 

On a more personal scale, unhealthy systems are resulting in a human crisis, with impacts to wellbeing and mental health, fracturing of attention, overwhelm and stress resulting in poor decision making.

Short programs

Shorter programs, deriving from these main offerings, include:

Nature Connection

Learn a framework of principles for connecting with nature, coupled with experiential practice.

Natural Awareness

Mindfulness and meditation, learning to use awareness skilfully in the best classroom there is for it; Nature.

Taking a Breath

Allow the team to enjoy the restorative properties of nature together.

Wellness in Nature

Enjoy the proven health benefits of intentional immersion in nature.

Nature Connection

Learn a framework of principles for connecting with nature, coupled with experiential practice.

1:1 sessions

Work with me in individual sessions and benefit from my unique perspective, experience working with people in deep, initiatory processes and time spent immersed in Nature's patterns and wisdom to:

  • Develop your thinking and content
  • Explore personal transitions and rites of passages in various forms
  • Understand Natural Law, Life's principles and how it applies to your situation to a deeper level and making sense of these transitional times
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“I engaged Claire to work with me individually over a series of sessions to develop and deepen content for my own IP. As usual my internal thinking landscape was complicated, complex and layered, of which I needed her ability to sit above it all and look at the systems and connecting parts with me. Claire has an incredible way of distilling complex information, and helping me to form succinct and impactful points. She’s also a bit of a gun at holding good space for exploration, and then keeping to the brief to ensure the outcomes of the sessions are achieved. I highly recommend her for work which that requires deep thinking and unpacking in order to make simple and coherent. Particularly systems related thinking for how humans interact in the world around them!”

Suzanne Waldron

Behavioural Facilitator & Interviewer